Hi There,
I'm Surya Prakash
Ask me about
About MeI am a passionate robotics enthusiast with interest in motion planning, perception, and reinforcement learning. I am proficient in Python, and C++. Currently I am a Graduate Student Researcher at the Existential Robotics Lab at UC San Diego, where my work focuses on building a pipeline for autonomous driving of robot cars using vision guided deep reinforcement learning techniques.
email : stk222@ucsd.edu
place : San Diego, CA
Working on autonomous navigation of Ackerman robot using Deep RL.
Bridging the Sim2Real gap using TensorRT on Nvidia Jetson TX2 device.
Programming CAN bus protocol on inverter to cycle 200 Ah Tesla module.
Experience in creating battery management circuits for cycle aging.
Responsible for Orion WMS across all Saint Gobain India Plant.
Developed computer vision applications for warehouse optimization.
Investigated low cost methods to find c-axis orientation of materials.
DAAD WISE Scholarship receiptent 2018.
Msc in Mechanical Engineering | GPA 3.87/4
Coursework : SLAM, GPU Programming, Computer Vision